10 Most Powerful Avengers Villains Ever
8. Doctor Doom
Come on now - it's Doctor freakin' Doom. We all know what he's about - namely, super strong in that suit of armour and a technological genius - not to mention an accomplished sorcerer (who's literally been to hell and back).
Doom's power levels are something to be feared, and the only thing that's taken lightly by his foes is his arrogance (which does border on the ridiculousness sometimes). His magical abilities are immeasurable, encompassing everything from energy blasts to force fields to teleportation and beyond.
Much like a certain Asgardian god of mischief, Doom's high intellect and ability to see all the angles of a situation are some of his most fearful attributes; most recently his knack for scheming and sheer willpower led him to be able to recreate the entire universe from the remnants of the multiverse that had just been destroyed during Marvel's latest Secret Wars event
Not a foe that the Avengers - or anyone else - has ever taken lightly. Thankfully, he's usually taken down by his own hubris.