10 Most Powerful Avengers Villains Ever
3. Loki
Loki's abilities as a sorcerer are well-documented, with the Silver Surfer even going so far as to say at one point that his skills were sufficient enough to "decimate a planet". Thankfully, he's never done that, but it doesn't mean that he's not been a consistent thorn in the side of the angels.
On top of his mad sorcery skillz (sorry), Loki of course has all the regular attributes of an Asgardian god - namely, a considerable amount of strength, durability, superhuman stamina, healing factor, etc etc. In some cases its doubled down on, thanks to his Frost Giant heritage. More than anything, his most threatening talent is his inherent penchant for being a complete arch-manipulator thanks to his intense intellect.
Loki's schemes constantly see him several moves ahead of the heroes, playing intricate games that the purpose of which only reveals itself when it's almost to late for the good guys to stop him. Almost.