10 Most Powerful Beings Thor Has Defeated

2. Mangog - The Mighty Thor #705 (2018)

Thor Galactus
Marvel Comics

Years ago, Odin discovered a galaxy populated by a million hostile planets. When he learned the aliens in this galaxy intended to ravage the cosmos, Odin had them all wiped out. Instead of dying, the essence of "a thousand, thousand worlds, a billion, billion beings" merged into a hate-powered entity called Mangog. Because Mangog is composed of the essence of a quindrillion beings, he is one of the strongest entities in existence.

When he attacked Asgard in his first appearance, he proved so powerful, Thor was unable to beat him. When he invaded the recent incarnation of Asgard, Asgardia, Thor and Odin proved once again they were powerless to stop Mangog. Even when Thor's mother, Freya, attacked Mangog while powered by The Destroyer, she couldn't even make a dent in the abominable creature.

After shattering the Bifrost and destroying most of the Asgardia, Jane Foster, better-known as The Mighty Thor, hurled the demonic entity into the bowels of the Sun. When she realised that the star's intense heat wasn't enough to kill the beast, she wrapped it in the chains forged to bind the Fenris Wolf and then tied it to Mjolnir, sealing Mangog in the core of the Sun.

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