10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Superman

8. The Flash - DCeased

Superman The Flash DCeased
DC Comics

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? While this thought experiment is contradictory due to its very nature, the question can be used to somewhat describe the incredible result of a head-on collision between Superman and The Flash. 2019’s DCeased went out of its way to answer this question to devastating result for both heroes, especially the zombified Scarlet Speedster.

In this self-contained story, the Earth is infected by a techno-organic virus that was born out of Darkseid’s interference of Cyborg’s body. The virus quickly spreads over the planet and infects many civilians and heroes alike, including the Flash.

A zombified Barry then zips around the planet, infecting countless people in the process. Realizing that he is the only one who can keep up with the hero, Superman flies around the world and collides into his former teammate, instantly killing him.

Unfortunately, some of Flash’s remains are lodged into Superman’s side, infecting him in the process. The zombified Kryptonian then goes on a frenzied path of his own that culminates in him absorbing the Sun itself to wipe out the entire solar system.


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