10 Most Powerful Humans In Marvel Comics

2. Molecule Man

Akhenaten Marvel
Marvel Comics

After Owen Reece was exposed to radiation from a particle generator, he gained the ability to control atoms and so, became the supervillain, Molecule Man.

Galactus stated that Molecule Man could use his power to eradicate any object or being, including him, out of existence with a mere thought. Based on that knowledge alone, it's easy to see why he is a force to be reckoned with.

In recent years, it has been revealed that Molecule Man is far stronger than even he knew. Apart from The Beyonders, he was the most powerful being in the multiverse. When the particle generator irradiated Reece, it opened a pinhole into the Beyonder's dimension, bathing him with energy from a Cosmic Cube.

Not only did this incident endow Reece with atomic power, it turned him into a universal detonator. If Molecule Man dies, so does the entire universe. When a Molecule Man perished in another dimension, it set off a universal stack of dominoes, collapsing all but one reality in the multiverse.

Thankfully, Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four managed to rebirth the multiverse, causing Molecule Man's powers to heavily diminish. Nevertheless, he is still considered one of the most powerful supervillains on Earth.

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