10 Most Powerful Incarnations Of The Fantastic Four

5. The Ultimate Universe Future Foundation

Fantastic Five
Marvel Comics

In the mainstream 616 Marvel Universe, the Future Foundation was created to put the Earth's greatest minds together to solve problems and save universes.

In the Ultimate Universe, their Fantastic Four had the same idea, but used different team members and was created more out of necessity to replace the Fantastic Four than to help it.

This new super-science team was created by Iron Man, led by Sue Storm and Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD, and was comprised of some of the brightest and strongest Marvel beings, such as the Falcon, Doctor Doom, and Machine Man.

While the team had all sorts of adventures, they were among some of the strangest in Marvel comics, such as when Sue Storm was asked by an alternate universe being called Spider-Ham to have a child with Reed Richards so his universe could survive. Definitely not out of character for a Fantastic Four mission, but still really, really strange.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.