10 Most Ridiculous Things Deadpool Survived

9. Stabbed With A Chainsaw Sword - Deadpool Kills Deadpool

Deadpool Hulk
Marvel Comics

The "Deadpool Kills" saga is by far some of the darkest, bleakest material to ever come out of the house of ideas, and these are the guys behind Marvel Zombies.

The basic premise is that Deadpool finds a new inner voice that replaces the two regulars he usually hears, which tells him to kill everyone in the Marvel universe, and then throughout all of fiction itself.

Deadpool Kills Deadpool, the third of the trilogy is, as the name suggests, an attempt by various different version of Deadpool to take out their insane alternate self before he destroys all of reality itself.

Being a cast made up entirely of Deadpools, naturally this is one of the goriest comics ever made, as the indestructible mercenaries tear each other apart. One of the many highlights is, of course, when our Deadpool gets run through by one of the coolest things ever crafted by the hands of humans: a sword...that is also a chainsaw.

Of course, he bounces back pretty handily from this, but at least his assailant can definitely say he went the extra mile to try and take Deadpool out.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?