10 Most Sexist Comic Superheroines Still Being Published Today

2. Wonder Woman

DC Comics

Yes, wonder Woman is an iconic superhero, part of DC's big three along with Superman and Batman.

But that doesn't explain her costume.

Why would an Amazonian Princess dress like that?

Taking a closer look at the brains behind Wonder Woman might help. Psychologist William Moulton Marston created Wonder Woman and scripted her first comic adventures. Back then, Wonder Woman's costume wasn't quite as revealing, though it was still silly. 

Moulston, though, had a thing for bondage, and delighted in scripting scenes of Wonder Woman tied up by enemies. It was a rare comic that didn't feature a bound Wonder Woman struggling to escape her captors.

Today? Wonder Woman doesn't get tied up nearly as much. But she does show plenty of skin in her skimpy costume. Who knows? Maybe she's just hot all the time.

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Dan Rafter has worked as a freelance journalist for more than 20 years. He has written for everyone from the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune to Mental Floss, BusinessWeek Online and Consumers Digest. You can find more by him at his comic's Web site, CareersinComics.