10 Most Skilled Fighters In The Marvel Universe

3. Elektra

Iron Fist Elektra

Having received very similar tutelage to that of Daredevil, with her having also been taught by Stick, Elektra is obviously as skilled as her sometimes lover.

Though, it is the training that she received under the villainous Hand that put the character just a hair higher than Murdock, as it is this training that has made her an even deadlier warrior.

This additional training has allowed Natchios to best even those such as Wolverine who, I need not remind you, has an incredibly effective healing factor that makes it hard to make a dent in the character, let alone stop him in his tracks.

And, when fighting Iron Fist, Elektra was only stopped when Rand actually used his powers, meaning that Elektra would have likely defeated him had they stuck simply to hand to hand combat - which is rather impressive considering Rand's skill.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!