10 Most Tragic Moments In The History Of The Fantastic Four

5. Franklin Goes To Hell - Fantastic Four #6-7 (2014)

Fantastic Four
Marvel Comics

After Doctor Doom became a sorcerer, the Latverian regent confronted the Fantastic Four to unveil his newfound power. With a single spell, Doom had Reed Richards and Sue Storm's son, Franklin, teleported to Hell.

Even though the Fantastic Four manage to rescue Franklin and trap Doom in Hell, they all suffered horrific injuries. Johnny was burnt by Hellfire (which was one of the only times he'd been burnt since obtaining his powers). Thing had his supposedly indestructible hide cracked open. And Reed had his face scarred so badly, no technology or surgery could heal it.

However, nobody suffered more than Franklin. Although he suffered no physical harm during his stay in Hell, his time there took a toll on his psyche.

When Ben and Sue brought him to a carnival, Franklin went berserk, screaming that demons were trying to kill his family. Only then did Sue realise Franklin had been so disturbed by his time in Hell, he convinced himself he was still there. Franklin did eventually come around but it broke Sue's heart to watch her son suffering so much trauma.


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