10 Most WTF Moments In Comics History
7. One More Day Wipes 20 Years Of History
If you think the two Amazing Spider-Man movies Sony inflicted on the public were godawful, that’s nothing compared to the car crash retcon that Marvel themselves forced upon their long-suffering fans back in 2007.
While most comic book creatives are fans with great respect for the characters and their continuity, that deference utterly vanishes when they go corporate. The ‘One More Day’ storyline is a perfect example, with Marvel’s then editor-in-chief Joe Quesada issuing the mandate that Peter Parker would no longer be married to the love of his life Mary Jane.
Quesada had it in his head that Spider-Man was better off single: but divorce was not an option, as it would represent a heroic character quitting on something worthwhile. So the decision was made: Peter would sell archdemon Mephisto his marriage in exchange for his beloved Aunt May’s life.
To say the fans reacted badly to this jawdroppingly cackhanded clusterf*ck of a story is a considerable understatement. It was considered a cheat, a poorly-conceived and executed deus ex machina, one that had one of the world’s most principled superheroes make a deal with the devil to pervert twenty years of history.
A decade later, it’s justifiably held up as one of the worst storylines of the modern era.