10 Obscure Batman Facts That You Have Probably Never Heard Of

3. He Held His Own Against Darkseid In A Physical Brawl

Batman Year Two
DC Comics

Batman’s most important weapons are his superior intellect, battle acumen, willpower, and of course near endless resources. As the man himself once put it, his superpower is being rich. However that does not mean he hasn’t put on unreal shows of strength when the situation has called for it.

Case and point: his fight against Darkseid in Batman and Robin #37. Now admittedly it was with the help of a special armour, but that can be considered as part of his abilities.

The armour in question, the Hellbat, is one of Batman’s final aces up his sleeve. It is a last resort he only turns to when all other options have been exhausted. Made of a special kind of nanometal, it gives Batman unparalleled strength. But, the suit itself is actually powered by Bruce’s own metabolism, meaning the more he uses it, the more he drains himself.

In the aforementioned issue, Batman calls upon this double-edged sword to take on the near unbeatable Darkseid. Despite all his might, the ruler of Apokolips takes a pounding from the Dark Knight, before uncharacteristically allowing Bruce to make a tactical retreat after the suit becomes compromised.


After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.