10 Obscure Marvel And DC Villains You Won’t Believe Exist

6. Clubfoot

Sugar Man New Mutants
DC Comics

There is an interesting trend in older Batman comics of giving villains names based solely on their disabilities – which is a pretty questionable, all things considered. This is best embodied in the form of Clubfoot, who is a clubfooted man with a hook for a hand – you know, just in case it hadn’t been emphasised enough in Batman comics that evil folk had to look a certain way.

The real kicker with Clubfoot is that he did actually beat Batman in a fight. Now, Golden Age Batman did tend to lose fights more often than his modern counterpart, but that doesn’t stop the fact that years and years of intense fighting training apparently can’t match up to one really big kick.

This all said, there is also a non-villainous Clubfoot in the comic, who maybe deserves a reboot, for all the kind of insensitive treatment he gets in this one.


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