10 Oldest Mutants In X-Men History

7. Namor - (Estimated Age - 100+)

namor x-men
Marvel Comics

The Sub-Mariner? King Of Atlantis? A mutant? Imperius Rex! You can shout that confusing catchphrase all you want, mate, but as your publishers and creators are so fond on telling us, you are technically "Marvel's First Mutant". You even had a miniseries with that exact name!

In recent years Namor has become a bit of a joke character, the preeminent narcissist called upon when you want a bit of comic relief or some marital strife in the Fantastic Four. He's actually one of Marvel's oldest characters, however, part of that first wave of WWII-era heroes that introduced superpeople to the world at large. Your dad's probably heard of him. If he hasn't, though, here's a quick potted history:

Namor McKenzie was born the son of a human sailor and an Atlantean noble, which is why he has pink skin, unlike the rest of the population who are blue-skinned. He looked like a person but still had some goofy little wings on his feet and superpowers that are several times that of most Atlanteans. Technically he is a "hybrid" of undersea and human physiology, which means he is a mutant of sorts - although we don't know for sure if he's a legit member of the homo superior genus.

He did get approached by Xavier and Magneto early on in the pair's joint attempt to unite mutantkind, but was hesitant to sign up. We're not sure if this was because he knew he wasn't a "proper" mutant or just because he's Namor, and kind of an uppity jerk, but Marvel have repeatedly identified him as their "first mutant" and, whilst he's not as old as some of the others on this list, his birth in the twenties puts him as pretty darn elderly.

He should definitely have some wrinkles by now, between the age and the time spent underwater.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/