10 Popular Comics Characters Imported From Other Media

9. Chloe Sullivan

harley quinn
Warner Brothers

First appearance: On the subject of Smallville, here's a character that was quite a lot more significant than a supporting role in the spin-off comic. Clark's high school best friend and nosy journalist Chloe was created for the show to have a non-superpowered character that was nevertheless able to notice all the strange happenings and tie the various plot threads together.

Introduced in the pilot episode in 2001, played by Allison Mack, Chloe was the only character apart from Clark himself to stick around for every one of the following ten seasons.

In comics: Unsurprisingly as one of Smallville's leading characters, Chloe appeared in the tie-in comics both in 2004 and in the Season 11 continuation in 2012. By the latter, though, she had also been absorbed into the mainstream DC continuity.

DC had talked about perhaps introducing Chloe for years before she arrived in 2010 in the story Jimmy Olsen's Big Week, while the TV show was in its ninth season. An internet reporter and love interest to Jimmy, Chloe appeared in a run of comics after that, but after the New 52 reboot is yet to reappear.

And back again?: Probably not, at least in the near future. The character is perhaps too associated with Smallville to be convincing in another screen version. There will need to be a new version of Chloe on the page for a while before fans will be keen to see someone else play her on film.

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