10 Powerless Characters Who Have Defeated Superman

2. Deathstroke - Deathstroke (Vol. 4) #8

Joker Superman
DC Comics

If there's one smart thing that Deathstroke does that few other villains seem to, it's that he accepts that the Man of Steel could absolutely murder him under any fair set of circumstances.

As such, he sets about changing the field the only way he knows how: by some truly underhanded shenanigans. Slade uses the force field of the Ikon Suit he wears to absorb Supes' punches, until the armor becomes overloaded. As it overloads, it reflects the energy it absorbed outwards, sending the force of the Man of Steel's brutality back of him.

It's such a powerful attack that this reflection bursts all of Kent's blood vessels, which leaves him looking suitably furious - because, to be fair, getting blood out of that costume does look like it'd be a fresh nightmare.


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