10 Predictions For The Future Of Comics

1. ...And Amazon Takes Over

Digital comics are, obviously, the future. As is, conceivably, all the publishers being merged into one. The venn diagram where these two predictions overlap is, obviously, the one place that's done the same for movies, TV and books: Amazon. Since its beginnings as an online bookstore the website has revolutionised the way we read with the Kindle and pioneered video streaming streaming services with their Prime Video service. Earlier this year they bought up Comixology, the primary service for buying digital comics. Like the humble beginnings from which their dominance over the mainstream book industry started - they now rule it with an iron fist, using mobster-style strong arm tactics to force publishings houses to comply with their demands for lower prices and such - the Comixology acquisition could lead to a similar control over the comic book world. Selling digital comics could be just the beginning. From there Amazon could gain a monopoly on comics, as the print format dies and everybody reads digital - with Comixology being the primary place to do so. Then they can start producing original content, as they do with their Prime Video series like Transparent, and eventually the site could absorb smaller publishers, leading to a Big Three: Marvel, DC, and Amazon.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/