10 Problems With Batman Nobody Wants To Admit

8. And Is The Cave Really Necessary?

batman telltale batcave

Look, every kid likes having a den. Treehouses, piles of sticks in the backyard, an empty tire in a scrapyard: to the imagination of a youngster, than can be transformed into a home base from which all their usual pre-adolescent shenanigans can operate from. What makes sense to a child shouldn't really apply to a grown adult, even if he is an adult who dresses up like a bat and uses toys to fight crime.

The Batcave doesn't make any sort of in-universe sense, in the way that the rest of the Dark Knight's shtick does. He wants to fight crime because of how his parents died; he adopts the symbol of the bat to scare criminals; he has a cave because...he fell into it as a child and thought it was neat?

Having a batcave is an inherently silly concept, even in the overall concept of Batman, which is saying something. There's absolutely no reason he needs an elaborate underground lair €“ like he's a bleeding Bond villain or something - when those resources would be better spent, y'know, actually fighting crime instead of interior design.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/