10 Problems With Batman Nobody Wants To Admit

5. Batman In The World Of Superman

Batman Superman
Warner Bros.

Once again, trying to apply real-world logic to the fictional superhero world of DC Comics is a fool's errand, but there are nonetheless some inconsistencies in that world. Batman's role in the wider DC Universe is as confusing as, say, the presence of the X-Men in the world of Marvel comics (i.e. why would the rest of humanity fear and distrust mutants, but be fine and supportive of the other superpowered weirdos who clog up New York City's airspace?).

In the case of the Dark Knight, his ongoing operations as a man without superpowers, in a world full of superpeople, doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Really, the existence of anybody but Superman in the DC Universe doesn't really make sense. When you have somebody who's essentially invincible, can move faster than the speed of light and is stronger than anything, you've eliminated crime basically overnight. And suffering, and economic strife, and pretty much everything else.

The moody guy who dresses like a bat and scowls upon his city of thugs is surplus to requirements when the Man Of Steel could be called upon to clean it all up, no to mention all the other actual superpeople, from Wonder Woman all the way down to Aquaman (well, maybe not Aquaman). Sure, Batman is smart, but that only goes so far.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/