10 Problems With Spider-Man Nobody Wants To Admit

10. He Should Be Broke

It's a concept that gets brought up every so often, particularly as a running joke any time he gets recruited to the Avengers: Spider-Man is broke.

Well, if not broke, then not doing particularly well, money-wise. Most of his income has come either from selling photos to the Daily Bugle or as a science teacher at a New York high school. Which are fine jobs, but not ones that would sustain a fairly comfortable lifestyle in the Big Apple.

Peter Parker's digs have never been consistent, but he's always managed to afford a decent-sized apartment, even when he had very little money coming in and sizeable outgoings (i.e. all the money spent on webbing ingredients, replacement costumes etc). So, really, Spider-Man should be broke. But like, actually broke, not just a guy who asks if he'll get paid whenever he shakes hands with Captain America.

He should be homeless, or at least living in a crummy studio apartment. Or, better yet, still boarding with his Aunt in Queens. Realistically, anyway.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/