After 16 months and 31 issues, the Superior Spider-Man-era came to a close in April. As one of the most controversial and divisive status quo changes in Marvels history, the Superior Spider-Man will long be remembered for the ways it passionately engaged, and in some cases, enraged readers. Many Spider-Man fans either loved the idea of long-time Spidey villain Doctor Octopus occupying the mind and body of Peter Parker, or hated the way it besmirched the name of one of Marvels most ethically grounded heroes. Now that the Superior-era is officially over (for now. You never can tell what Spidey-writer Dan Slott will unveil next), it's time to look back and determine whether or not Marvel's outrageous concept was successful. While some fans remain angered by the Superior status quo, many others have grown to love and appreciate what will likely be regarded as one of the better Spidey tales of the past 20 years. The Superior Spider-Man incorporated a stable of great comic book artists, introduced wonderful new characters, revived some long-forgotten or ignored heroes and villains, and found new and exciting ways to keep readers invested. Plus, Peter, aka, the Amazing Spider-Man will be back in his own title at the end of April as everyone predicted when Marvel first announced the character would die in 2012. So unless youre still holding grudges for the way a fictitious character in a superhero comic was treated, now is the time to fondly remember a totally unique time in Spider-Man history. Here are 10 reasons (with spoilers) we should celebrate the Superior Spider-Man.
Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.