10 Reasons Why 'The New Frontier' Will Always Be DC's Greatest Graphic Novel

5. It Effortlessly Depicts The Zeitgeist Of The '50s & '60s

DC The New Frontier Martian Manhunter
DC Comics

Now I may not know the level of research that was put into the creation of The New Frontier, but judging from the historical accuracy alone I'm more than willing to bet that many days and many hours were spent just to make it feel as authentic as possible.

The book simply oozes history at every level, and Cooke's immense understanding of the period shined throughout: whether that be through minute details showcasing era-appropriate fashion, technology and pop-culture, or through his impassioned engagement with historic concepts, ranging from matters of social justice and governmental policy to American notions of Manifest Destiny and everything else in between. Cooke's confidence when approaching these themes, as well as tackling the period as a whole, is vindicated by the overall quality and rigour of the text's metaphors, allegories, and constant social-commentary. When you're reading The New Frontier, it manages to transport you back in time, and it does all of this without even bordering on the nostalgic (though a clear love for DC's oldest stories emanates throughout), painting a picture that is as relevant today as it was back then.

This one's really for all you history lovers out there, so if your passion for comic books is only surpassed by an adoration for all things historical, your pop-culture tastes will be well and truly catered for in this intersecting tale of capes and conspiracies.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.