10 Reasons Why Batman Is The Most Overrated Character Of All Time

3. It's His Rogues Who Are The Real Bread And Butter Of Batman's Stories


This statement has been reiterated so much it's almost become a cliché, even if it does bear a great deal of truth. Joker, Bane, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Riddler - all have featured in what are now deemed legendary story-arcs. Not because of a dependence on Batman, but because of their absorbing and at times alluring personalities. Some may say an antagonist is only as compelling as the protagonist they're facing, but these characters are so enjoyable that needn't be the case.

I must admit that there is a certain equilibrium to be shared between some of these rogues and the caped crusader however, particularly in relation to Joker, Riddler and Bane's rivalry with the character. There is a lot of joy to derive from Riddler being bested by Batman's withdrawn intelligence, as well as seeing Bruce overcome Bane as a sheer trial of fire, but it is the Clown Prince of Crime's constant psychological battles with Batman that garner the most praise, even if they are devolving into repeated plot lines now. It's ironic because most of the time the relationship is presented as a false-dichotomy of sorts, with Batman being the righteous symbol of justice and order, and Joker as the embodiment of chaos and destruction, when in fact the characters intersect on a multitude of issues - a fact that Joker aims to prove in his own sick way.

It's an incredible relationship to examine, but one not so rudimentarily black and white as has often been described. This is when the character is at his most gripping - when his rogues are testing him. It's easy to see the appeal in relation to this, but on his own Bruce isn't all that special.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.