10 Richest Superheroes Of All Time

7. Archangel

Spider-Man Iron Man
Marvel Comics

Source of Income: Worthington Industries

Warren Worthington III, known as both Angel and Archangel, is worth billions of dollars as heir to his family's company. Not just content with being handed wealth, Worthington also became adept with business and economics himself, many times stepping away from superhero-ing to run the company. He also is a sometimes teacher of business at Xavier's Institute.

He's been able to financially back many of the groups he's taken part in, such as X-Factor, X-Force, Champions of Los Angeles, and The Defenders. He was recruited at one point by Amadeus Cho, simply for his money, to aid the Hulk upon his return from exile.

He's also used his finances to help Professor-X rebuild the X-Mansion after its destruction. He's shown his philanthropic side in establishing scholarships for mutants attending his alma mater, Phillips Academy, and helping to build "Wings Over the World" for the handicapped and disabled.


A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate