10 Richest Superheroes Of All Time

5. Batman

Spider-Man Iron Man
DC Comics

Source of Income: Wayne Enterprises

Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, was born into wealth as the Wayne family is the definition of "old money". Bruce's great-great grandfather Alan Wayne helped with the early construction of Gotham City. Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor has been passed down through the generations until Bruce inherited it all upon his parent's death.

Lucius Fox runs the day to day operations of the company, which include branches in shipping, manufacturing, chemicals, technology, food, electronics, aerospace, medicine, and entertainment. While he may have inherited his wealth, Bruce took more of a charge in the company than his surgeon father.

Because of Lucius and Bruce diversifying Wayne Enterprise into many industries, he is able to supply the resources and foot the bill for the Justice League, Teen Titans, and his own crime fighting needs.


A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate