10 Shocking Times The Joker Died

5. Magog Blasted Him With His Energy Spear - Kingdom Come #2

Joker Dead

The four part mini-series, Kingdom Comes, takes place 20 years in the future when most of the classic superheroes have retired. The world is now filled with corrupt anti-heroes and questionable vigilantes who don't maintain the same values as their predecessors.

So what happened? How did the World's Finest heroes lose their way? How did the Justice League and Justice Society allow things to get this bad?

Surprisingly, it all began with the death of the Joker. Years ago, the Harlequin of Hate slaughtered the Daily Planet staff, including Superman's wife, Lois Lane. While being transported to the courts, a mysterious warrior called Magog blasted the Joker, killing him. When Supes brought Magog to court, the judge acquitted him, stating that his actions were justified.

Since Magog got away with murder scot-free and was perceived as a hero, Superman worried that his form of justice was now seen as old-fashioned, inefficient, or unnecessary. He became so disillusioned, he quit the superhero lifestyle, which inspired many other heroes to do the same, allowing supervillains and the criminal underworld to thrive.

It seems that the Joker's madness and evil transcends life itself since, even in death, he always finds a way to make others suffer.

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