10 Spider-Man Costumes More Effective Than The Original

8. Identity Crisis

Marvel Spider Man
Marvel Comics

Following the Clone Saga, Spider-Man and comics in general were floundering, prompting a lot of gimmicky stories to win back readers. At the time, there were four monthly Spider-Man titles. Identity Crisis was a cross-over incorporating all of those books, with Peter adopting a different persona and costume in each one.

Framed for murder by Norman Osborn, Peter utilizes four new constumed identities to collect evidence and clear his name. Each of these identities comes with its own abilities and represents an aspect of the web-slingers personality.

The first alter-ego Peter adopts is Ricochet, meant to represent the wisecracking, swashbuckling side of Peter. Ricochet poses as a criminal and utilizes Peter’s heightened agility and strength as well as disks that would ricochet similar to Captain America's shield.

Next up is Hornet, representing the intellectual side of Peter, this costume is similar to Hank Pym’s Yellowjacket suit. This persona uses a jetpack for flight and incorporates Scarlet Spider’s stinger darts.

Third is Dusk, utilizing a suit from a dimension called the “Negative Zone”. Meant to illustrate the clandestine nature of Peter’s dual identities, the suit blends with shadows and has underarm wings, allowing the wearer to become nigh-invisible and glide.

Finally is Prodigy, Inspired by more traditional heroes like Superman and Shazam. The gold and silver suit’s only capability is being bulletproof. Peter uses his super strength and agility to leap tall buildings in a single bound and appear as though he’s flying similar to Superman’s early appearances.

After the arc, the four identities were adopted by a group of new teen heroes in the short lived spin-off “Slingers”.

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Wes is a video game and comic book enthusiast. You can just call him a nerd.