10 Strangest Batman Villains Of All Time

1. Professor Pyg

Known for his obsession with turning people into €œperfect€ beings, Professor Pyg is another villain with an affinity for dolls. Rather than making dolls, Professor Pyg is more interested in turning his victims into €œDollotrons€ through a process in which he bonds a €œdoll face€ to his victim€™s face. Professor Pyg then uses the Dollotrons as a mindless zombie-like army created through a process of lobotomization during which he sadistically uses cordless drills, hammers, and ice picks to perform brain surgery. The professor, though one really has to wonder if he really holds a position at a university, wears a pig mask to hide his identity€”and is evidently a horrible speller. Grant Morrison, creator of the Professor Pyg character, describes him as €œone of the weirdest, most insane characters that€™s ever been in Batman€ adding €œWe hear a lot about Batman facing crazy villains, but we tried to make this guy seem genuinely disturbed and disconnected.€ We agree Mr. Morrison. We agree.

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Luis is a limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin' son of a gun.