10 Strangest Comic Book Urban Legends‏

2. DC And Marvel Were Going To Swap Characters

The long-awaited Marvel vs DC crossover series was either great for business or a hackneyed story produced only to make a quick buck, depending on who you ask (may also be dependant on whether you're talking to comic book publishers or comic book readers). At least they went the whole hog with the dimension-skipping premise, having fan favourites duke it out and culminating the shenanigans with a fun few months where the two companies combined to make Amalgam Comics, publishing titles like Dark Claw (a mash-up of Wolverine and Batman) and Lobo the Duck (...yeah). It turns out that the ending of this major comics event could have been even stranger and epoch-shaking, if the legend is to be believed. Apparently, DC and Marvel had intended to leave behind a remnant of the crossover, even if by the end of it everything had seemingly gone back to normal. That remnant would have taken the form of a character trapped in the opposing company's universe, with the rumour being that Daredevil would be marooned in DC Comics' care and Catwoman in Marvel's. Actually this idea was discussed very early on in the talks that eventually lead to Marvel vs DC, but it was decided that the legal implications - including the royalties and copyright for both the comics they appeared in and the eventual reprints - were too complex to make it worth going through with.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/