10 Strangest Spider-Man Villians

3. Stilt-Man

Stilt-Man Spider-Man Daredevil
Marvel Comics

Despite looking completely ludicrous, Stilt-Man has managed to make himself quite the headache for both Spider-Man and Daredevil.

Working as a scientist for Carl Kaxton, Wilbur Day stole designs for a hydraulic ram device, which he later incorporated into strong, metallic legs. Dubbing himself Stilt-Man, Wilbur used his suit for robberies, though was constantly halted by the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. With his metallic legs allowing him to reach up to 290 feet, Stilt-Man's battle armour was also coated in a silicone compound, which meant that Spidey's webs were virtually useless against him. He has been a member of many nefarious groups, including the Emissaries of Evil with Electro and Leap-Frog, amongst others, and has worked with the Kingpin and Doctor Doom.

Even though he was never a great villain, Stilt-Man would eventually change his ways, signing up to be a law enforcer during Marvel's Civil War period. Tragically, after chasing down a criminal, Wilbur would die after bumping into the Punisher. Although he would try to convince Castle he was no longer a crook, the antihero would not believe him, shooting and killing Stilt-Man in the process.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.