10 Stupid Arguments About Batman That Don't Make Sense

2. Batman Is His True Self, Bruce Wayne Is The Mask

DC Comics

Now here's the really strong stuff, the sort of cod-intellectual points coined by armchair psychologists who have read a lot of comic books, have a foggy memory of one Psychology class they took at university, and an inflated sense of self-worth (i.e. they like hearing the sound of their own voice).

Get ready to have your minds blown by this ground-breaking theory, folks. Bruce Wayne died the same day as his parents. That billionaire playboy thing is simply a front. In fact, it is Batman that is his truest self, because that is when he does what he really wants to. As in, fight bad guys, clean up Gotham, that sort of thing.

In that sense Batman is his real face, and Bruce Wayne is the mask. Eh? Eh? Except totally not.

Again, Grant Morrison provided a great example of Batman devoid of Bruce Wayne's humanity in his run on the book, when the character had to reset his brain and for a while was a purely crime fighting being: a violent thug hopped up on crystal meth. Bruce Wayne is integral. He's what keeps Batman grounded, and one day retiring gives him a reason to go on.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/