10 Stupid Arguments About Superman That Don't Make Sense

8. There's No Need For Clark Kent

A similar argument is made about the Dark Knight: Batman is his true self, and Bruce Wayne is the mask, so what's the point in him even having that secret identity thing? Surely it's just a distraction from his crime fighting gig? With Superman, the point is even more apposite. The Man of Steel is essentially a god, so why would he trouble himself walking amongst mortals the majority of the time? He's got better things to do. The answer is pretty much the same for Clark as it is for Bruce. If Superman was just a guy who floated around in space and fought supervillans 24/7 he would eventually become kind of run down, detached, and haunted by constant battle. He wouldn't be able to connect with humanity, whom he has decided is his life's work to protect. He'd feel even more apart from them. That wouldn't end well. Clark Kent is important because being mostly human grounds Superman. It stops him from being an alien without morals, without regard for the population he's supposed to be saving. It's also important because, despite being born on Krypton, he was raised as a human. That's makes it easier for readers to sympathise with him, and also makes the character more interesting with the dual-identity thing.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/