10 Superhero Redesigns That ACTUALLY Worked

4. Aquaman

Best Superhero Redesigns
DC Comics

Aquaman has always been the butt of jokes within the comic book fandom mainly due to his appearances in the animated Super Friends show. This led to different artists trying to make the character look cool such as the blue suit during his 1986 miniseries. But it would take the 1990s for fans to get a cooler, more intimidating Aquaman.

Growing his beard, losing his orange shirt, and most of all, getting a harpoon for a hand, this version of the underwater hero gave him the edge that he sorely needed. After losing his left hand to Piranhas, the King of Atlantis would gain a weapon and a more aggressive demeanor.

Gone was the Aquaman who rode dolphins and instead, a hero would unleash his wrath on anyone who would stand in his way. This appearance would help increase the character's popularity during the decade and in lots of ways, made him finally cool.

Its impact has led to more rugged looks for the hero with the animated Justice League translating his 90s appearance perfectly and of course, casting Jason Momoa in the DCEU.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.