10 Superheroes You Didn't Know Had Shameful Origins

7. Professor X

Charles Francis Xavier. Also more commonly known as the ever-reliable, upstanding citizen of both mutant and mankind, Professor X. One of the first mutants to comprehend the complexity of his abilities, instead of doing what most people would given his gift (morph into a manipulative sex god) he opened Professor X€™s School For Gifted Youngsters. To keep himself busy when he wasn€™t being a nosy so-and-so with Cerebro (okay, he was doing it to track down mutants and ensure them safe passage to his school) he recruited young mutants, and even taught several classes. Hence the name. One such student he brought into the fold was one Jean Grey; a telepath traumatised after vicariously experiencing the death of a friend. Bringing her under his wing, he helped the young teen develop her telekinetic abilities. As revealed in the original X-Men comic series, issue #4, it seems the old prof got more than he bargained for; he fell in love with her. Now, love is grand and all, but for a figure like Xavier to have quelled his truest, romantic feelings for a girl young enough to be his daughter (at a push, granddaughter) is creepy. Creepier still is when Jean finds out, via the Onslaught series she is shown the Prof€™s inner monologue - and completely freaks out. Shame on you, Charles.
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Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian. Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.