10 Superpowers You Never Knew Batman Once Had

3. Batman Bewitched

Batman Powers
DC Comics

For some reason, Batman was in London attending an international police convention when he got on the wrong side of a sorcerer who put a curse on the hero which meant that he would die unless he tracked down a dragon and killed it. Needless to say, that would be a tall order even for a superpowered hero, and...uh...well, dragons aren't real!

As a result, Superman and Robin came up with a plan to use a device in the Fortress of Solitude to given Batman superpowers, and while that was taking affect, the Man of Steel flew to a different solar system and brought an alien dragon back to Earth with him.

The Caped Crusader succeeded in beating that, but the curse wasn't lifted, and Batman instead started doing whatever people told him to.

When one man requested that he fight City Hall, the Dark Knight took that a little too literally and started punching the building before a fight with Superman (who defeated that dragon before bringing to Earth) finally freed him.

Weird, right?


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.