10 Thankfully Obscure Spider-Man Villains

3. Big Wheel

First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #182 (1978) Believe it or not: 'War Wheels' were real things. Well, really more like 'War Balls': a Texan inventor devised a ball-shaped tank during wartime that would be protected on all sides while still having firepower. Unfortunately, as Cracked.com pointed out, this doesn't make up for obscured vision and the inevitable deafness having a cannon near your head would cause. The subtly named Axel Weele avoided this by stripping down the design to basically a moving ferris wheel; deafness be damned! Weele only becomes a villain to show up the other transportation-themed villain, Rocket Racer. As a supporting character of Spider-Man, Weele defaulted into a Spidey rogue as well. Like KITT from Knight Rider, the Big Wheel ended up becoming more popular than it's driver. So much so that it eventually became the primary weapon of Overdrive; a villain with the highly specific power to alter vehicles with nanotechnology. Coincidentally, both Weele and Overdrive had conflicts with black men: Rocket Racer and the Black Panther, respectively. This begs the question: is the Big Wheel a white supremacist?
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