10 Things Comic Fans Found Too Distracting

7. Random Storyline Changes

Catwoman DC
Marvel Comics

Look, it's hard to sort a comic event that spans multiple comic series without popping into some of them midway through a separate story arc - verging on impossible, which is why it happens so often.

And, since bigger storylines are generally regarded by the noble comic overseers as more important, they tend to take precedent, meaning if you keep up to date with a smaller series, there's a good chance you'll be blind-sided by a surprise event.

While this isn't a total bad thing - as the characters you enjoy get to interact with the larger universe, and there's more potential for drastic changes - it can prove a little jarring, because ultimately it won't last forever. After a couple issues or even one, things will go back to normal, and the storyline you were previously in will either continue, or be dropped for a new one.

Both of these possibilities are weird, because you either had an awkward break from the current story, or had the old one randomly dropped and then totally forgotten about.

Worse yet, sometimes comics are ended mid-way through a storyline simply because higher-ups want to cancel the comic, and can't wait until the end of a storyline to do so.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.