10 Things DC Comics Wants You To Forget About Ra's Al Ghul

3. He Dated Black Canary

Ras Al Ghul
DC Comics

One time, Ra's al Ghul took time out from his busy supervillain plans to have a bit of a mid-life crisis.

In Birds of Prey #31, Oracle sent her detective friend Jason Bard to follow her teammate Black Canary. Laurel had recently begun seeing a rich older man and Barbara was worried that something wasn't quite right.

That rich older man turned out to be Ra's al Ghul, a man old enough to be Laurel's something that would fill up the rest of this entry with the word "great". Ra's was masquerading as a count and wanted to seduce Black Canary into marrying him and joining the League of Assassins.

Laurel was pretty into him at first, but the relationship took a bit of a turn when she found out about the whole "trying to greatly reduce the world's population through murder" thing and she rejected his advances.

Like the romantic he is, Ra's tried to change her mind by kidnapping her and taking her to the Lazarus Pit. He intended to use the Pit to destroy Laurel's mind and make her more compliant.

Oracle arrived in time to stop Ra's, but in the ensuing battle Laurel was injured. Barbara put her in the Pit to save her and, as a side effect, Black Canary regained her iconic Canary Cry.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.