10 Things DC Wants You To Forget About The Riddler

2. He's Better As A Green Arrow Villain...

Green arrow riddler
DC Comics

Unlike the Dark Knight, the Green Arrow doesn't have much in the way of classic villains. Batman sort of hogged all of them the way that entitled orphans probably would, so rather than try and invent any original ongoing nemeses for Oliver Queen in the comic books, in the early noughties DC editorial decided simply to export one of the Caped Crusader's enemies from Gotham to Star City. And, well, it actually worked pretty well. Maybe too well.

For a little while Edward Nigma (did we mention that was a stupid name, btw?) was laying pretty low in the comic books, never quite regaining his place as one of the top dogs in the former Arkham crew until the whole Hush debacle. Having all but failed to conquer Gotham City he decides to sack it off all together because, as the saying goes, if at first you don't succeed, travel to the other side of the country and try wrestling control of a major metropolitan area from a masked vigilante who's fabulously wealthy. That's a saying, right?

Coming up against both Green Arrow and the Black Canary, partly in retaliation for the pair of them handing his butt to him during the big old No Man's Land event where Gotham was decimated by a series of earthquakes. In the aftermath of Hush he orchestrated a series of assaults that almost killed Arrow and his old sidekick Arsenal, and has plagued Star City on and off since then. He actually sort of worked better as a Green Arrow enemy, since he had the personal vendetta and The Joker comparisons weren't as obvious.

Again, though, the New 52 reboot has left the canonical status of these stories in peril.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/