10 Things You Didn't Know About Ant-Man

5. His Mind Is A Mess

Aggressive, insecure, unstable and vulnerable - just a handful of the many worrying words that could be used to describe the fragile mind of Hank Pym. In spite of the fact that he is both a genius and a hero, the workings of Pym's mind are anything but positive. In fact, it's fair to say that's he an absolute mess of a man. To be fair, he has his reasons - although some of them are a little bit pathetic. Justifiable reasons for the state of his mind include the death of his first wife on their honeymoon, the fact that a Skrull had impersonated him and taken over his life, the fact that he created Ultron - a powerful robot who turned rogue and tried to take over the world - and exposure to mind-altering chemical fumes. Unjustifiable reasons for some of the occasions he has lost his mind include feeling inferior to Tony Stark and Thor (in terms of mind and body in their respective cases) and Janet's flirting with other guys (which was only done to get Hank interested in her again),
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.