10 Things You Didn't Know About Thanos

8. He Was Originally Based On Metron, Not Darkseid

DC fans - or at least those DC fans who also dislike Marvel as a by-product of their love for DC - will have you believe that Thanos is a direct rip-off of the Apokoliptian Superman villain Darkseid. While Thanos was directly influenced by a DC character, the fact is that the character in question wasn't Darkseid - it was actually Metron. Metron is a cosmic villain, just like Thanos is, who sits on his galactic throne - known as the Mobius Chair, in his case - just like Thanos does. He has a number of almost godlike powers - just like Thanos does - which actually vary dramatically between his appearances, but they are generally energy-based, as many of Thanos' are, and are also augmented by technology, just like Thanos' are. So, in spite of the fact that he certainly looks a lot more like Darkseid, Thanos was actually influenced more by an altogether less formidable - but equally powerful - DC villain.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.