10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Green Lantern

8. Human Lanterns Don't Have Other Jobs

Green Lantern Corps Hal Jordan
DC Comics

While becoming a Green Lantern means that the ringbearer becomes the protector for the space sector they're in (Earth's is 2814), many times the new job has very little to do with their chosen profession in life.

Hal Jordan was famously a test pilot before and during his ring-slinging fun. Guy Gardner was a social worker and a teacher for kids with disabilities. The New 52 made him a Baltimore City police officer. He also opened up Warriors, which is a superhero themed bar that even franchised all the way to Oa!

John Stewart was a former Marine who was working as an architect before the ring chose him. Kyle Rayner was an artist, who may or may not have been failing at that depending on the continuity. Simon Baz was a career petty criminal, though when the Green Lantern ring chooses him, he's under questioning for possible terrorist acts. Jessica Cruz is the odd one out since before being chosen she had locked herself in her house for about four years, though we have seen some survivalist shine through in her character too.

It just goes to show that no matter the occupation, greatness can strike at any time.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!