10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Thanos
Think you know the Mad Titan? Think again.

Marvel's favorite purple-faced bad guy has seen a significant rise in popularity following his first appearance in the MCU back in the post-credit scene of 2012's The Avengers. In the years since, we've seen the Mad Titan develop into one of the most popular antagonists in recent memory, terrorising Earth's Mightiest Heroes on and off the page with his signature Infinity Gauntlet.
Thanos has been exceptionally developed, able to stand out in a franchise with dozens of bad guys introduced as a force to be reckoned with whose evil exceeds the likes of The Red Skull, Ego, and Ultron combined.
Alas, glory always comes with a cost as the Mad Titan's recent brush with cinematic stardom has led many to believe some common misconceptions surrounding the character.
The films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have unveiled some things about him, like how he has a thing for destructive cosmic jewelry, he's probably the worst foster parent in the universe, and is, for better or worse, kind of a pessimist.
But there is a lot about Thanos in the comics the average moviegoer doesn't know, so here are ten things everyone usually gets wrong about the Mad Titan.
10. Thanos Is His Real Name

From the moment everyone first heard it in Guardians of The Galaxy, the name Thanos has been synonymous with being the ultimate threat in the cosmos. The name, according to the character's creators, comes from the Greek god, Thanatos, who is the God of Death in Greek mythology. This is very fitting considering the Mad Titan's actions and motivations.
But what most people don't realize is this is not the designation he was given at birth. That is correct, Thanos is not the madman behind the Decimation's real name.
This game-changing revelation happened in 2017's Thanos #14 where the twisted warlord spoke with a version of himself that is much older. The conversation revealed that his mother gave him the name Dione before she went utterly crazy because the Mad Titan was too ugly to handle as a newborn.
Like Thanatos, the name Dione does have mythological origins as being the mother of the Roman god known as Venus and is generally associated with sea and water. While most people can agree that Dione is a great name, however, Thanos feels right when talking about someone who gets off on abusing his children and intergalactic mass murder.