10 Things Everyone Forgets About Captain America

6. His Birthday Is The 4th Of July

Captain America Gun
Marvel Comics

There are few things about Captain America that are as genuinely funny as the fact that, canonically, he is born on July 4th, known perhaps better as Independence Day, when the thirteen colonies declared independence from the British Empire and became known as the United States of America.

Although it makes perfect sense that Cap's birthday is on this day, as it's another way to show his 'All-American' nature, it's one detail that does feel a little on the nose. After all, while the superhero is the aesthetic archetype of American values, the pre-super soldier serum Rogers was not, and so it feels a little forced that he just so happened to be born on such a symbolic day.

Admittedly, at least this detail has been consistent, as the constantly varying year Rogers was born is a source of frustration for many fans - with the year varying between 1917, 1918 and 1920 in various comic and media sources.


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