10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Joker

9. Thinking He Outright Hates Batman

DC Comics

Given the mostly murderous, psychotic and evil nature of the Joker - and given that he is indeed presented and widely known as the arch-nemesis of the Dark Knight - it's easy to assume that he must absolutely hate him, which is what most people do indeed assume.

While there is undoubtedly no love loss between them, their relationship is by no means all about hatred of each other. In fact, on numerous occasions it has been stressed that the pair actually need each other in order to go on living. They're exact opposites - Batman is serious and organised, Joker takes nothing seriously and is chaotic - and they essentially form a universal balance between those two extremes that is required in order for the pair to exist.

Indeed, when Joker succeeded in killing Batman (or, at least, thought he did), it drove him to sanity. And the pair have proven that they can get on, given that they have worked together before (such as in the investigation of Penguin's death) and even enjoyed a shared laugh together on one occasion.

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.