10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Joker

7. Thinking He's Always Had The Face Scars

Warner Bros. Pictures

The Joker is currently known for having severe facial scarring which results in a permanent smile and disfigurement that he uses make-up to disguise. Consequently, many people assume that the scars are an integral part of the character and that they have been around since his creation.

That's actually not the case at all - his scars are actually almost completely unique to the movies. In the comics, he never really had any scars, per se. His face had been dyed paper white, his hair was dyed green and his lips were dyed bright red - with all of that being down to his famous chemical accident. The actual "scars" that most modern readers are familiar with were actually only introduced in the very recent Batman Confidential series.

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.