10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Guardians Of The Galaxy

10. How Important The Badoon Are

The one common denominator between the Guardians Of The Galaxy - who come from all corners of the far-flung universe, and are all different races...we think - is the Badoon. The reptilian alien species live in a strictly segregated society, are one of the oldest beings living in the cosmos, and try to invade basically every planet or star system they come across. They've tried to take over Earth a half dozen times, only to be knocked back by the likes of the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and Namor. They've also had a hand in making sure that each member of the Guardians Of The Galaxy are the last known members of their own races, which is pretty douchey, we think you'll agree. The Badoon are the ones who, in the comics, came to find Peter Quill's parents and wound up killing his mother instead. The entirety of Gamora's species, the Zen Whoberi, were exterminated by them, leaving her to be raised by the tyrannical Thanos. Groot has tangled with them a bunch of times, and there was a long-standing rumour that Drax was the one you initially caused the Badoon to split the genders. Which wasn't true, but it's a pretty good rumour. Despite being such an integral part of the characters and the reason they came together, you won't see any mention of the Badoon in the Guardians film or more recent comics: the movie rights lie with 20th Century Fox, which means Marvel are staying well away.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/