10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Iron Man

9. The Terrible Nineties Cartoon

The nineties were a banner decade for comic book adaptations on TV, as DC elevated the genre with the Bruce Timm-produced Batman, Superman and Justice League animated series, and Marvel got in on the act with the Spider-Man and X-Men shows which introduced its classic characters to a whole new generation of potential comic book readers. What a lot of people tend to forget, though, is that besides those sterling works of cartoon genius, there were also the Fantastic Four, Hulk and - worst of all - Iron Man shows, too. The Hulk series actually wasn't too bad, and Fantastic Four just had to deal with the same problems of relevance as the comics have for years, but the Iron Man cartoon was truly heinous. Let's just say there's a reason you tend to forget about its existence. And if we have to elaborate, let us remind you that this entry into the Marvel Power Hour included some of the shonkiest animation this side of South Park, the Iron Man armour randomly changed colour and was sometimes rendered in the cheapest CGI of the era, and the hero and star of the show barely appeared in the opening credits. So not only is there a reason you don't remember this serie existing, but there's also a reason nobody else ever talks about it, and why it was cancelled after just one season of 13 episodes. Marvel have since given the okay to other animated (and anime) Iron Man series which don't look amazing, but are at least better than this cheap piece of rubbish.
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Iron Man
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/