10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Iron Man

5. That He And Dr Doom Went Back In Time

Doomquest is considered the classic Iron Man arc, up there with Demon In A Bottle and there aren't really any other seminal Iron Man stories. He didn't used to be that popular, remember? Anyway, if the rollerskates seemed like the one thing from the comic books you were unlikely to see in the Iron Man movies, then think again, because this is a story about Tony Stark going back in time with Doctor Doom to the days of Camelot, where the former teams up with King Arthur and the latter Morgan le Fay. Fantastic Four villain Doom makes a habit of travelling through time (though why he's never bothered to go back and throttle Reed Richards as a baby, we can't say), but this was the first time he brought a hero back with him, and it's for the most ludicrous reason possible. Tony Stark realises that a shipment of Stark technology is headed for Latveria, the country Doom rules, and sets off to retrieve it. In the struggle, the two tumble into the time machine, go to war with the assembled might of the Round Table and le Fay's magical creations, and then decide to put their armour together to somehow create another time machine to bring them back to the present. We enjoy Doomquest a heck of a lot, but it's a phenomenally ridiculous storyline, and so completely at odds with the version of Iron Man we know now as to be indistinguishable. It also introduced Doom as a recurring villain, because we guess they both are rich and wear metal suits most of the time? Anyway, Doomquest is fun but so silly that we doubt it'll get referred to by Marvel ever, ever again.
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Iron Man
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/