10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Captain America

4. His Many, Many Terrible Enemies

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsBesides the Red Skull, Captain America doesn't have much in the way of memorable villains. Don't get us wrong, an ex-Naxi mad scientist who literally has an exposed red skull for a head is plenty memorable, but you need a bit of variety every now and again don't you? Spice of life and all that. The gloss would start to come off the Joker a bit if he was the only person Batman ever fought, just as the Green Goblin gets a lot less menacing when he's turning up in every other Spider-Man story. Unfortunately for Cap, he's never had much of a rogues gallery. Which may be because most of the villains he's faced in his past are bloomin' ridiculous and nobody in their right mind would ever use them as ongoing characters. Although considering that all these bad guys were created in the first place, maybe nobody at Marvel was in their right mind...ever. Even Batroc the Leaper, adapted into The Winter Soldier as a sort of parkour-cum-MMA fighter wasn't as goofy as some of the other guys Cap's chucked his mighty shield at in the comics. You have the Armadillo: half man, half armadillo, all stupid. There were the Death Throws, a team of nefarious jugglers who had more an aptitude for wordplay that crime. There was the Ameridroid, a twenty-foot robot Cap with a Nazi brain who...actually, no, that was pretty awesome, have they decided on the antagonist of the third film yet? Anyway, our personal favourite is Armless Tiger Man, whose name tells you everything you need to know - he's a guy with no arms, dressed as a tiger, who's really good at doing stuff with his feet. And he's a Nazi, because everyone Steve Rogers comes across is.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/